Who To Trust To Stop Foreclosure

By: Nick Adama

One of the problems with any plan to stop foreclosure is that homeowners who are behind in their payments invariably end up the targets of massive mailing and phone call marketing campaigns from foreclosure help companies who are offering their services. With so many potential scams operating in the real estate and mortgage industries, though, it becomes very difficult for foreclosure victims to know who to trust when they need additional assistance in their efforts to save their homes.

Homeowners may receive upwards of several hundred post cards, letters, or phone calls every week from potential foreclosure service providers and self-proclaimed experts. Before working with any of these companies or individuals, it is important for foreclosure victims to do enough research on the service providers and the methods that they use to help homeowners in their situation save their homes from foreclosure. There are a number of ways to complete this due diligence, such as searching online, calling the Better Business Bureau, and contacting the state attorney general to determine if a pattern of complaints exists.

However, it is also important to be aware of the fact that not every foreclosure help company will be trustworthy, regardless of what their current reputation may be. In fact, there are a number of foreclosure scam companies who, as soon as they receive a complaint from a consumer through a regulatory agency, immediately shut down their current business and simply change the name of the company, change the website, and use different contact information. They then appear to have a pristine record with the Better Business Bureau and regulatory agencies, even though they are a fly-by-night foreclosure scam.

Another pitfall that homeowners experience when working with a foreclosure service provider or loss mitigation consultant is having a constant sense of doubt about whether the home will be saved. If the client does not believe that the company can help them, then there is no substantial relationship between the foreclosure company and the foreclosure victim, and the chances of being able to stop the foreclosure process drop dramatically. This is one reason why homeowners should do enough research on the loss mitigation company or another service provider that they work with, and interview several companies to find the one that they feel most comfortable establishing a relationship with.

As cliched as it may sound, the best advice for homeowners, after they have done all of their homework, may be simply to trust their gut feeling about the foreclosure company they work with. They may not end up being taken advantage of by working with one of these companies, but if they intuitively feel that the company can not help them, then the company will most likely not be able to achieve the desired results and save the home from foreclosure. If homeowners create a “self-fulfilling prophesy” that results in losing the home, then there is most likely no company, investor, or another individual who will be able to help them.

For homeowners who want to utilize a do-it-yourself approach to saving their homes, a number of products and services are offered online through a variety of government and private websites. Various reports, educational materials, form letters, and packages are available through numerous sources online, and can all contribute to foreclosure victims being able to get the right amount of mortgage help and foreclosure advice that they need to be able to save their homes and stop foreclosure on their own.

The most important parts of any plan to save a home from foreclosure is to learn as much as possible about how foreclosure works, what options may be used to save a home, and which mortgage help companies really specialize in providing the homeowners with the assistance they are looking for. Negligence in any of these areas is a quick way for the homeowners to find themselves taken advantage of by a predatory foreclosure company. In foreclosure, the best offense is always a good defense based on research and a solid knowledge of how foreclosure works.

Article Source: Ezinearticles.com